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Welcome to Social Savings Club

A Member only Rotating Savings Platform

A "labor-saving" ethical savings club for every community!

Imagine this! You are steps away from one of the most unique ways to save, become financially secure, and build generational wealth. Backed by several of the leading industry’s security standards, and compliance, our app engine delivers results that will keep you in rotation for endless payouts.



For a Secure & Planned Future

Rotating Savings and Credit Association (ROSCA)s are groups of people with similar savings goals. A ROSCA uses a common fund to which individuals contribute a set amount on a regular basis, while one member withdraws the funds/receives payout at the end of each cycle. This continues for as long as the group exist. Members of the club build generational wealth, build communities with savings, business startups, add-on to existing business, college, large ticket items, and etc. Members meet on a regular basis to contribute to the group savings plan.



Financial Freedom without Boundaries

Financial freedom means that you get the chance to make life decisions without being overly stressed about the financial impact. You will control your finances instead of being controlled by them. Financial freedom doesn't mean that you are free of the responsibility of handling your money well. Financial freedom has to be personal. Dream big and get specific about your goal(s)! Control your money, do not let your money control you!


Features: Rotation Cycle | Chitter Chat | Invite | Notifications | Business Corner | Payouts


How The App Works?

The Rotation Cycle is Simple | Contribute and Payout are Convenient

We approve members based on their verification, and availability. The member’s placement is apart of a numbered member group. Each member will rotate until each member is in the payout position. Member(s) will follow subsequently. 

With our re-contribution feature, experience worry-free member and group payouts. Also, the app has a social media feel, where you can share content, and advertise/market your business.

Getting Started:

Awesome Interface

Simple & Beautiful Interface

Enjoy our state of the art front and back end designs that make it simple to contribute, socialize, save, and invest.